Stefania Druga - The Multimodal Future of Education

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We will explore how we might use AI models to combine sounds, images, and videos and create new learning activities that support critical, creative and counter-factual thinking. Showcase demos using Generative AI (Vertex API, AI studio, LearnML) to detect misconceptions in math learning, support creative coding, create simulations to test scientific hypotheses, curate and sumarize research & identiy blind spots in one’s thinking. The goal of our demos will be to demonstrate how mights we use multimodal ai to support learning activities where the agency is balanced between learners and AI and we encourage people to discover the limitations of these technologies while developing a critical use of it, know if, when and how to use it when learning new skills.

Stefania Druga

"Hi! I am Stef. I am currently a research scientist in Google Gemini team working on real-world applications for multimodal language models. I was a principal researcher at the Center of Applied AI Research at the University of Chicago and graduated with a Ph.D. in Creative AI Literacies 🎓 at the University of Washington Information School. In the past I worked with Microsoft’s Human-AI eXperience Team, X Moonshot Factory,

I also enjoy designing and building an AI coding plaftorm for kids which started as my master project at MIT ( When I am not coding & writing papers 👩🏽‍💻 I love trail running and rocket yoga. "

Stefania Druga
Stefania Druga Research Scientist, Gemini

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