Karan Goel - State Space Models for Realtime Multimodal Intelligence

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What are the big breakthroughs required to bring realtime multimodal intelligence to every device in the world? This talk describes the work we're doing at Cartesia on bringing realtime models to life on an entirely new technology stack. I'll describe new research ideas that we developed over the last few years — state space models — that are enabling us to build audio models that are cheaper, faster and higher quality than state of the art approaches.

Karan Goel

Karan is the Founder / CEO of Cartesia.ai where he builds multimodal models that can be run in real-time on any device. Before founding Cartesia, Karan pursued his PhD from Stanford, where he spent a few years developing the first state space models, building data systems, and researching new methods for robust machine learning. Karan is a recipient of the Siebel Scholarship, graduated from IIT-Delhi and CMU, and is passionate about machine learning, engineering and developer tools.

Karan Goel
Karan GoelCEO

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